
“Don’t look at the cup half empty, because it’s half full, too!”
As an in-demand keynote speaker, Gina Diaz is prepared to talk to your organization or at your next summit on a variety of topics. Attendees come away with actionable information they can use immediately and are connected to additional resources to help them on their journey.
Below is a sample of topics Gina offers. If you are interested in a customized speech on a related topic, please let us know through our contact page.
Real Estate for Investors: Accelerate Your Learning Curve:
When investing in real estate, there is a lot to learn, from where to find the right property to important steps after closing. Rather than search on Google for information that may or may not be accurate, let Gina give your organization the benefit of her many years of experience. As one of the top real estate attorneys in Illinois who also has more than 50 properties in her personal portfolio, Gina is prepared to advise you in a meaningful way with an information-packed speech that will give you a head start and help you avoid costly mistakes.
The audience will walk away with actionable advice and a thorough understanding of how to invest smartly.
How to Achieve Work/Life Balance:
It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of work, work, work—go, go, go—and not realize until you come up for air weeks or months later that you have made some personal sacrifices that don’t serve you. Without work/life balance, both sides suffer. As an entrepreneur, Gina knows how this can affect you and has done the work to achieve a balance that some only dream of. Let her share how you can find the perfect balance, so your work and home lives benefit, and you find satisfaction.
Audience members will learn how to let go of people or situations that no longer serve them in order to move on with life and understand that it’s not selfish to do that.
Overcoming Challenges Without Fear:
“If you don’t fail, how will you know what success is like?” – Gina Diaz
Fear of failure can be paralyzing, but Gina Diaz has a different outlook. The greater your challenge, the harder it can be to think clearly, formulate a plan, and execute it. Gina has learned through many life and business experiences how to conquer fear so that overcoming challenges is easier than you have ever imagined.
In this speech, Gina shares what she has learned and how the audience can apply it to their own challenges and come out the victor! They will also learn how to use fear to fuel their passion.